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We charge an annual fee of $149 to become a member, update your logbooks, and provide data sheets for insurance companies, employment application ect. The initial conversion of your logbook is 15 cents per logged hour, which is cheaper than any of our competitors.

You receive a organized and professional PDF form of your logbook and any employment data sheet you request.

We do NOT extract data from PDF or photos and give you a digital logbook with errors! We manually input every single entry including airline logs and cross examine it. Between a human examining the entry and our custom excel template, we have Minimized errors to almost zero percent.

We use a format we created to make it easier for aviation companies to read. We even have a special column for PIC turbine & not IP/CFI. see our example logbook on the home page.

Almost every logbook we audit and transfer has errors. Having the peace of mind that your logbook is prefect should mean something to you. Furthermore, during your interview you’re interviewer will notice the PLA logo and will be thrilled because they ll know your logbook has been audited and the hours are organized correct and true, makes their job a lot easier and makes you look great.

Any FAA style logbooks by any known companies including the small flight crew logbooks and also flight records from any and all airlines.

Absolutely! If you have over 5,000 hours e-mail our for a special quote.

Becoming a member will provide support and updating of your logbook yearly. The initial fee of 15 cents per hour logged would be to convert your logbook over.

No we do not, that’s an extra service. The only remarks we do notate are the checkrides and stage checks. During the interview, the interviewer will be looking for all the checkride flights specifically.

No problem, we can do that for an additional cost.

Yes, rush service will guarantee your logbook to be completed in a timely manner, we strive to complete 200 hours per day. That doesn’t sound like a lot, however remember we manually input every single entry. Expedited service is an immediate service whereas we will work in teams non stop. That service is an additional 30 cents per logged hour. The rush service is an additional 15cents per logged hour.

We do NOT extract data into the excel like other companies. We manually enter each and every entry and cross examine the entry for omission of hours, and errors. For example, many times pilots forget to log cross country time and we are able to find that out and fix it. Our excel template will triple check the math for errors.

YES, for immediate expedited service it will be an additional 30 cents per hour and we will pull an “all nighter” if we accept the job. In order for this to happen we need you to be on standby. We have taken a 1,500 hour logbook, split it into 3 parts and had 3 different people work on it and then complied it and completed it in only 7 hours. The cost of that service was the $149 membership, 15 cents per logged hour and an additional 40 cents per logged hour for the immediate expedited service. He had an interview in 2 days, We shipped him our professional binder, one day shipping and he was able to print off the logbook and presented to HR. He was thrilled because we discovered he had a lot more hours than he knew he had and the interviewer was impressed by the presentation of the logbook.

Absolutely NOT, we will not even acknowledge that we know you.

YES, unless you specified that you do NOT want to fix that issue.

A 1,500 hour logbook conversion will take about 20 to 30 hours to complete and cross examine before we send it to you for your examination. However, that doesn’t mean we can work on it right away. On a given time, We are working on over 10 logbooks and updating many others! There is a rush & expedited service available. It depends on how backlogged We are currently. If you have an interview coming up and would need it right away, consider the rush service or expedited service.

The annual membership fee is $149 and the initial conversion is 15 cents per hour logged. So a logbook with 1,500 would be $449 including the membership fee. The annual membership fee of $149 will include a yearly update of up to 1,000 hours. If for whatever reason you need your logbook updated within a year and a form for a company or Insurance, it will simply be a $5 charge. We strive to keep our prices and business practices fair and honest. Please remember we are not a copy and paste company like our competitors, every entry is individual processed.

Absolutely! However logbooks should be seen as taxes and need to be updated at least annually. If you ever want us to update your logbook after you let your membership lapse or cancelled it, it ll be the standard $149 for membership and additional 15 cents per logged hour. If your membership is current, then it’s part of the membership and we will update it. Would also recommend putting in one last request to update your logbook before cancelling membership.

Sorry, it has taken hundred of hours to perfect our excel template and we do not give access. 

Yes the Minimal job order is the membership fee of $149 and an additional $100 for a total of $249. That would be for a 500 hour logbook. Thereafter, being a member, we will continue to update your logbook.

Your prices seem kinda high to convert a logbook, I’ll just bring my paper logbook to the interview. Do you realize the interviewer will cross examine and check the math on your logbook, one simple mistake can make you look like an idiot and lose your opportunity of your job. You are going for a professional career and need a professional logbook.

Absolutely, we have the most detail insurance form most underwriters will accept, the only thing you need to do is print it and sign it.

Absolutely however it will cost an additional 20 cents per hour and I will need you to be on standby for the questionnaire and whatever I need in order to rush it. In order for me to accept a rush order, you need to make a commitment to be on standby on all hours of the day.

We will mail you a legal memorandum to affix inside your paper logbook stating the errors and true values.

You absolutely can! However it will take you a lot longer to do than us and you are not experience doing it. When we do it you know we know what we are doing.

Yes we sell a professional leather binder whereas you can print your digital logbook and insert it inside. 

No, we do not give out the unlocked version. Logbook accounting is what we do for a living and prefer to do it ourselves so we know it’s correct.

Absolutely not, we treat logbook like medical records and we will NOT release any data to anyone, even if someone is verifying your information on your behalf, you would need to give us written permission for us to even acknowledge that we have worked with you. Furthermore, upon your request, we will delete all your information.

Using Microsoft excel, we can automatically add up the math and cross check it with other columns. We will then examine your logbook for errors such as night landings with no night time.

You start by using our contact form. Then you will be emailed an invoice for the membership. Thereafter, after you paid your membership fee you will need to scan your logbook as per our instructions and upload them to our Google drive. We will send you a questionnaire, asking for clarification for any questions we make have.

Absolutely, it’s auto generated 

That’s fine, would need to obtain information on it, MGTOW, tricycle or tailwheel, high performance, turbine, ect

Yes, however a 20,000 hour logbook will take approximately 240-300 hours to compute and cross examine. Remember we do NOT extract data from PDF. We manually enter each and every entry and then flag the ones that are incomplete and needs to be reviewed. On the larger logbooks we will negotiate a better rate.